Monday, January 24, 2011


I was going to take a nap and went on a productive spree. Here are some rough sketches I did afterward.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Polite Interaction

So, it goes without saying that I've abandoned the 30 Day Challenge. I will say, I went on for as long as I could until I realized I needed to start looking for a job. Still searching. Getting an interview for a day job in Chicago is like finding a needle in a haystack. I've applied for some freelance work as well as an internship, which I have no idea how it will work considering my closest relative is 3 hours away and I don't want to give up my apartment. Me and my boyfriend were drawing on my tablet and it turned into something. He drew a very crude couple. I sketched a man walking past a woman. I realized I drew the polite interaction of a man and a woman. My boyfriend drew the rude interaction.

Polite Interaction