Sunday, November 14, 2010

30 Day Challenge Week 3

Hey. Here are my latest drawings from the 30 Day Challenge.


Favorite Plant


Something New

Something Orange

Something I Want

Sunday, November 7, 2010

30 Day Challenge Week 2

Hey. As promised, here are my latest drawings from the 30 day challenge.

Favorite Cartoon Character

Favorite TV Show

Favorite Candy

Turning Point

Recent Accomplishment

A Comic

Favorite Fairytale

Friday, October 29, 2010

30 Day Drawing Challenge

So, I decided to take part in this 30 day hype everyone's talking about. At the end of every 7 days I will be posting my challenge drawings. Here are my first 7:


Favorite Animal

Favorite Food

Favorite Place

Best Friend

Favorite Book

Favorite Movie

Friday, July 9, 2010

CG Fun

I downloaded my free trial of Maya today. I have no idea what I'm going to do after 30 days. I don't think I can learn it in 30 days considering how many lectures I have to get through. My friend took a class and lent me the lecture videos and I finally got to looking at them. This is a model. I messed around with the toon section. I called him Coney.

For your enjoyment. Sheep... :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hi Again

So. A lot has happened and I haven't blogged about it...yet. In February I was a brides maid for my sister's wedding in Orlando. I assumed I would see Mickey Mouse at the airport, but I searched the whole place and didn't find him. The day of the wedding, I spent 4 hours walking around in 5 inch heels (used to flats). By the time the wedding started I was limping. I ended up going barefoot the rest of the day.

All semester I have been working on a film for my senior animation class. It is now finished and looks amazing. The film got a lot of laughs at the screening. My friend had come for the weekend to see the screening and watch me graduate. I almost finished without my hat falling off. Right on stage it fell off. My head's far too small to wear hats and them not fall off (same thing happened at my high school graduation). I took my friend to the water tower mall and Pizano's for some deep dish Chicago pizza. I ended up taking home another meal (I really did order a lot).

The college I go to had an industry night just before graduation. I got to talk to a good amount of people, mostly students. Me and a friend met up and she started talking about a project her and another friend were working on. Now I'm working on it and can say the pre-production is going extremely well. I finished up a title sequence for a zombie film which hopefully will hit screens (tv or movie) in September.

Over the summer I'm taking yoga for my last credit of college (best idea ever). I feel more peaceful than I ever was. I'm trying to find paid work right now whether it's freelance or more permanent. I'm also working on some stuff of my own which I want to take to festivals. Scans might take longer than I'd hoped. My printer/scanner is literally falling apart, so I need to get a new one.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hey everyone. Welcome to Doodle Box. Well doodle in a box. I'll fill you in on the joke later. I finally got a blog site. Be ready to be hit with random stories, drawings, pictures, and anything I end up putting up here. I am now OFFICIALLY a blogger.